WordPress Model of Content Management System

CMS Content Management System is a computer program; an open source platform confers total activities on your website. CMS manages the content without coding at all.

WordPress is not only one example for Content Management System but most popular one. There are more in the market. Such as,

  • MAGENTO (really good for e-commerce)

WordPress was predominantly developed for blogging eventually a massive exposure for offsite seo in the light of content management system . It’s free open source blogging software mainly based on PHP creates dynamic website. Literally, WordPress forms ‘CGI Script’ to get the job done.


Fortunately, my website is an ideal reflection the power of self-hosted wordpress site. Throughout my website I demonstrated lots of WordPress features and practices. Here I am going to illustrate a video clip where you can take a look how can you administer your content by the tool of WordPress content management system.

Today I am going to discuss down here how to edit, modify, and finally publish blog post comments and reply them, change themes, install plug-ins and so on. However, first thing first.

Uploading WordPress to your server:

First you need to upload wordpress in your hosting server. There are two ways to do that. Before that make sure your website hosting information are ready and in your hosting package has to have database option included.

  1. You can do it by the magic of ‘5 Mins Installation’ process. But for that, WP blog software has to have in your hosting control panel home page. Basically it will create ‘CGI Scripts’.
  2. Or, you can do it manually. For that go through the following steps.
    • Upload wp zip folder from wordpress.org website.
    • Unzip the folder.
    • Open your FTP software. Drag and drop or upload (depends on ISP Company) your wp folder under Public_html directory.
    • You can even manage your directory going to file manager form your Control Panel.

Secondly, once your wp is ready for usage you need to sign in over there.


  • Make sure your Username is not Admin. Because most of the time hacker can predict that username. Create some thing long tail and use combination of upper case and lower case. Furthermore, for choosing Password follow the use combination of upper case, lower case, digits, characters which will save the risk of threat.
  • Try to avoid Google Theme because most of the time they are dodgy.
  • Get Theme from wordpress or reliable source. premium themes are more reliable than free.

wordpress admin panel

Thirdly, wow! Your website is on screen now. In Left hand

corner you will get an Admin panel called Dashboard.

From here you can choose your themes, you can choose

your pages; you can create blog,  post,  comments. Over

there you can see your given features.

Wp features:

  • Appearance: It’s an important feature in wp. You can apply your code in Editor Section under appearance. You can compile your code in terms of your requirements. Besides, here you will fine theme option where you can customize your layout in terms of your choice. Moreover, you will get Widgets through which you can play around your navigation, side bar and menus.
  • Plugins: Basically, Plugins dictates additional support through arrangement of software to large software in order to get the job done. In this section you can see installed plugins and you can add new plugins. A fruitful wp website is the result of optimized sorts of applied plugins.
  • User: This feature is very confidential for your website. Especially Your Profile. Here you can see all information. Your username, your Contact Information, Your biographical information even you can change your Password from this section. Moreover, you can add new users as an Administrator or as an Author or as an Editor or only Subscriber.
  • Tools: Here two options available. Import and Export. If you want to export your all WP file you can do it through this option. It will be exported as a XML Document in your PC and vice-versa.
    Tips: It is highly recommendable that before changing any code, export all your data to your PC so that you are not going to miss any data in case.
  • Settings: This feature represents you all your settings. Even you can set up your setting in terms of your requirements. Permalinks is one of the important features under settings. Through this you can tailor your URL structure which is very important for SEO usability and sustaining consistency. Besides, you will find here privacy settings and list of popular plugins.

To recapitulate, content management system is nothing but a software to ease your job creating website and others application especially for bloggers. Feel free to follow ‘cms ease your website optimization’. You are always welcome my blog discussion!

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