On-page SEO Cheat Sheet Scale Your Optimisation
Let’s have a quick look how your website has been optimised or going to be optimised. The on page seo cheat sheet will tailor your SEO steps and techniques in terms of Google’s webmaster guideline.
Title Tag:
The most important on-page element for passing the relevancy. Primary keywords should be positioned at the beginning.
Length: ideally 70 characters or less (including spaces.) Max 80 chars.
Brand: is optional but advised for the homepage. And often added to the end.
Description tag:
It is your chance to sell the page and encourage users to click through from a search result (think USPs). It should be short and snappy (156 chars or under), and include keywords (primary/secondary) as these will be bold when text in it match what the searcher enters in a search engine.
Meta Keywords:
The meta keywords tag is far less important and no longer used for rankings. This is optional, and when used should contain between 5 and 15 keyword phrases. Although we see no value in spending time on it.
Page heading H1 tag:
The main headline of a page should be within a H1 tag (one per page). Typically it should contain the primary keyword phrases. This does not have to be exact, and it can also contain other words to inspire the user to read on.
Hidden truth for Main Body of onsite seo:
Usage: Aim to mention primary keyword phrase two to three times in a text body (short documents). Use synonym variations a further few times where it reads reasonably well. Use a mixture of plurals and singulars. Use important keywords as high up the pages as possible. Make sure it reads well for humans – if it feels like keywords have been noticeably overused, you should look to use more synonyms and less repetition. Click here to learn how to perform an effective keyword research.
Length: 250 – 300 words should put you in good stead for optimisation most types of pages. Sometimes you can get away with less, and sometimes you will need to write more. It depends on the page’s objective.
Sub headings: Where feasible, sub-headings should be used as header 2 tags <h2> and these contain secondary phrases or synonyms of the primary phrase. <h3> tags should be considered for sub-content elements of <h2> tags.
Bold/strong: Include primary phrase once in bold using the strong or bold tag, if you can get away with it.
Italic/Emphasized/bullets: Where possible, include keyword phrases from the primary and secondary keyword list in italic. Only marginally helpful for SEO.
Interlinking/Hyperlinks: In body links are very important for passing relevance to the linked page – if possible try to link out of the body once or twice to relevant pages that are important e.g. other pages that you will be optimising – remember the anchor (link) text should have the primary keyword or similar keywords of the page being linked to and not the actual page containing the hyperlink.
Images: Where possible, include primary or secondary keyword phrases in the ALT tag and file name of an image. Remember the ALT tag is used to describe the image for the visually impaired or those with slow connections – so don’t stuff keywords in there and keep it relatively descriptive of the image.
URLs should include the primary keyword phrase. Try to keep short, use hyphens to separate words and avoid ‘stop’ words like ‘in’ and ‘to’.
Feel free to follow more in details the following link including bonus on-site seo templet. www.khaledsharif.info/onsite-seo-techniques.