Onsite Optimization Techniques:
On-site seo is all about everything on your website. One can manipulate, alter as often as he wants. Before optimizing onsite seo make sure, all your keywords are ready. Unanimously, key phrases should use Up to 5% of text content in every single webpage. Then search engine will presume that the webpage has made for those keywords. The purpose of on-site seo is to tailor your website in such a way that a search engine likes it. So, let us see then how to implement 12 universal seo techniques for optimizing your website. In fact, none of them is less valuable, but some of them are more important. From my point of view, follow all of them or else the competitors may be in the leading position.
12 complete techniques for on-site optimization:
- Technique number one refers Create webpage related to keywords:
Creating webpage based on keyword is the first technique among 12 techniques for on-site seo. Typically you will target between 3 and 6 primary/secondary similarly themed keywords per pages (homepage often many more, perhaps 9 or 12+). Less is more prioritized. The phrases should be a combination of primary, secondary & tertiary level of keywords and prioritize accordingly. For example, my home page is targeting a kw called “onsite seo techniques” whereas my inner page is targeting “seo expert”. It is worth remembering that whatever it is, selected kw should not be more than three and long (long tail) enough. - Technique number two points to Title Tag:
Add a ‘HTML title tag’. Title tag is one of the important techniques for onsite seo. Here, basically, author describes what the page is about and obviously, the title appears within the search results. Title must be keywords optimized and presentable so that the potential customers can be tempted to your website. In order for carrying out a fruitful onsite seo campaign, title plays a vital role whether a visitor will click through your web or not. Most of the browsers focus on only ‘title tag’ rather than ‘meta description’ for targeting their desired website. Let us have a look a screenshot how it looks like. You will have a look in the snippet preview; same like blue colour underlined ‘title’ appears of a search query.
- Technique number three indicates Heading One:
Add H1 (heading one) tag for onsite optimization. H1 is one of the important factors for seo aspect. H1 should be descriptive and try to add your kw. Every single page should have one H1 tag favouring search engine. Because once the spider or crawler come to your site for indexation they will look for H1 and from H1 they will get an idea what is the site about?
- Technique number four indicates H2, H3 & on:
Heading 2, heading 3 and on are second most powerful. One can add as many H2, H3, H4 as you like. - Technique number five refers to Meta Description:
Meta description is one of the key factor and most likely the main Meta tag. Add a couple of sentences in HTML Meta description part describing your web page. This is the part to market your website through search engine. It works like a window of a shop to attractpotential customer. The Meta description is frequently used by search engines on SERPS (search engine result pages) to give the browsers a preview of what your site is about. You will have a look that in the snippet preview, same like black colour ‘Meta tag’ right after the ‘green colour url’ appears of a search query.
Note: Do not over use kw in your meta description. Kw can over use anywhere, of course, but this is an exceptionally bad place for it. - Technique number six points to Meta Keywords:
Although it is now not that much important after Penguin 2.0 being updated on May 22, 2013. Add few phrases under HTML Meta kw section. Try not to stuff with your key phrases and avoid repetition. Keep in mind, kw can ‘make it or break it’. So place the phrase in an efficient way in an effective place. - Technique number seven relates to Text Content:
Text ‘Content is king’ of onsite seo. Try to make content enjoyable and readable for users. It has always been a battle for the right balance between kw and content. If you put more than 5% then, Google assumes that you are trying to stuff your kw. On the flip side, if your kw are less than 1% then Google assumes that these kw are not related to this webpage.
Recommendation: KW should not make more than 5% (sometimes you can use max 10%) of your total words of a page. Over repeating, the words will do more harm than good. However, with synonyms you can use up to 15-20%. - Technique number eight points to Links:
HTML Links should incorporate keywords as part of Link Text (Anchor Text). For example, a link called “Read more about onsite seo” is better than only “Read more.” Make sure you have the right kw in your anchor text to boost the chances of ranking well.
Tips: For Internal Link – Use descriptive keywords inanchor text for onsite seo that match the phrases the source page is trying to target.
For External Link – Use descriptive kw inanchor text that matches with the kw the targeted page is trying to target.
Remember: According the research it is proven that if there are two individual links in a webpage targeting the same page, Google only follows the first links instead of second. - Technique number nine points to Images:
All images should have Alt (a text that describes the image). If possible try to use kw in your ALT. Image name should represent your targeted words. It is always necessary to name your images and embed them with targeted words before saving as a .jpg. - Technique number ten refers Domain Name:
Try to reserve a domain name with your targeted words, for example, www.onsiteseoworld.com is better than www.Andrew.com for onsite optimization. Try to make it short, relevant, memorable and obviously related to your website. Avoid lengthy names and try to avoid hyphens as these indicate potential spamming. From seo point of view, domain name relating to targeted words will drive you one-step ahead therefore; it is still one of the factors for search engine optimization. - Technique number eleven indicates Page URL:
The page Address should have your keyword, for example, http://www.onsiteseo.com/web-programming is better than http://www.onsiteseo.com/abc.html for a word “web programming”. Try to keep page URL shorter, for example, this http://www.khaled.co.uk/wordpress-training is better than http://www.onsiteseo.com/training-courses/wordpress training. Take a look in the snippet preview, same like green color ‘url’ right after ‘title’ appears of a search query. - Technique number twelve points to Sitemap:
Sitemap helps Google to crawl and discover your web pages. Sitemap can be in HTML or XML format. HTML Sitemap can be a link on your website & XML sitemap you can submit to Google or Bing webmaster. Creating sitemap is additional part of onsite seo techniques. Create two types (HTML & XML) of sitemap. One for users and one for Google crawlers. For HTML sitemap you need to add a link to your site, and for XML Sitemap you need to submit that file to Google, Bing or so on.
Last but not least, I am going to share with you an highly effective Bonus templet for onsite SEO for my invaluable readers. It’s Microsoft word formatted, step-by-step, easy to follow and obviously worth taking. Besides, I have a blog post on onpage SEO cheat sheet for further elaboration. I tried my level best to share my ideas and knowledge concerning on-site optimization techniques only for my invaluable visitors. Spend time thinking about an effective solution for your website is worth considering. I hope the aforementioned 12 universal techniques will help you to boost the value of your site in Google’s eyes. Everyone is welcoming my blog discussion!
Note: Kw – Keyword.