Click Through Rate (CTR)

What is Click Through Rate (CTR)?


Click-through indicates the number of clicks that your adverts receive after being shown on a search result. It is expressed as a percentage. But the rate of click through, i.e. click through rate (CTR) is the number of clicks receives on your ads divided by how often your ad is shown (impression). CTR literally, Google Adword’s term uses to measure pay per click  success . Sharply speaking, the rate of impressions get convert into clicks. There is a positive relationship between CTR and PPC. All PPC executives target is to increase CTR at any cost. Because, higher CTR reflects a higher level of PPC success.


CTR use at google adwords


So, mathematically what click through rate (CTR) is:


Set up your Adwords Ads

How to Create a successful Google Adwords Ads

Sign in your Google account or click through the given link. Google Adwords..  If you have G-mail account then it will ask you email and password. If don’t then it will ask you captcha. As soon as you get into the Adwords page you will find lots of options. Such as, Home, Campaigns, Opportunities, Tools & Analysis, My Account and so on.

Launching Adwords Ads, Step No 1: Click the Campaigns Management Button and then add new campaign. It will ask you three options: Search & Display Networks, Search Network only, and Display Network only.

creating campaign and network through adwords ads

Recommendation: I would recommend going for ‘search network only’ for new Adwords ads. (more…)

Write PPC Ads

How to Write A Better PPC Ads Copy


Before writing PPC Ads copy, one should ask oneself ‘what sets your business apart’. You can set up your Ads campaign using Google Adwords.  PPC Ads copy for one of your keywords literally breaks down into four parts. Such as Headline, Line 1, Line 2 and url.


example of ppc ads copy

  1. Writing PPC Ad’s Headline (blue letter sentence): 25 characters including spaces. Include at least 1 keyword in your headline. Ask yourself why customer comes to you than others. Use headline “sentence case”. (more…)
ppc service

PPC Service

Pay Per Click


PPC stands for Pay Per Click is a term evolve from SEM (Search Engine Marketing) field. If you want to bring your website straight up on search engine without any stress or any organic SEO none but only investing money then ‘PPC Service’ is an idol solution to invest to. PPC Support is 100% guaranteed and instantaneous as well. This is not related to SEO though.

There are few steps need to follow in order to advertise a website in SERP (search engine result page).

  • Create a clear campaign for your Advertisement by the tool of Google AdWords.
  • Pick relevant Keywords in terms of suitability and effectiveness of provided advertisement and customer demand.
  • Estimate bid price through competitor’s price analysis.
  • Meanwhile get the adverts copy ready.
  • Last but not least measuring performance & techniques through Google tools such as, conversion rate, click through rate etc.


As I mentioned before, PPC Service is a click based advertising concept. And for that there are number of more factors need to be considered. Finally, it will take a while to process a request and grant approval eventually, end up with a ‘Land on’ landing page.
