How to Write A Better PPC Ads Copy


Before writing PPC Ads copy, one should ask oneself ‘what sets your business apart’. You can set up your Ads campaign using Google Adwords.  PPC Ads copy for one of your keywords literally breaks down into four parts. Such as Headline, Line 1, Line 2 and url.


example of ppc ads copy

  1. Writing PPC Ad’s Headline (blue letter sentence): 25 characters including spaces. Include at least 1 keyword in your headline. Ask yourself why customer comes to you than others. Use headline “sentence case”.
  2. Writing PPC Ad’s Line 1: 35 characters including spaces. Make adverts relevant to what’s being searched for. Relevance gives:
    • Higher CTR (click through rate)
    • Higher Quality Score
    Focus on benefits. Do not forget to use a full stop (.) at the end of the first sentence. I have an individual blog post regarding ‘why full stop matters for writing your ppc ads copy‘. Include at least 1 keyword in your ad’s text to show that your ad is related to that search term.
  3. Writing PPC Ad’s Line 2: 35 characters including spaces. Offer a product or business e.g., “Free Shipping or 50% off today or discount for students”.  Call-to-Action. Try to use strong verbs. Such as, call today, sign up, book now etc. One can also set up “call extension” ideally called click-to-call.
  4. Writing PPC Ad’s url (green letter sentence): 35 characters including spaces. There are two types of url used on pay per click ads. Display url and Destination url. Display url is supposed to be the end of ads. In the screenshot ‘‘ is display url, which will point towards your destination page (landing page) url. That’s fair enough to clear your understanding. Isn’t it?

For beginners, I have to state a little bit about landing page. What is the importance of landing page? Landing page is the destination page where the potential visitors land on for their desirable information. Does that sense? Write the most relevant landing page for each pay per click ads that

  • Makes life easier for potential customers
  • Reduces Bounce Rate
  • Improves Quality Score
  • More sales/enquiries for lower cost

There is couple advisement s worth-remembering for writing PPC (pay per click) Ads:

  • Write what makes your business exclusive. If one offer free shipping or discount or % off,  be sure to mention this in one’s ads. Ensure ads are linking to the most relevant page (landing page) on your website.
  • Write different ads to see what message performs best. AdWords will automatically show the better-performing ads within each ad group.
  • Write pay per click ads to highlight a sale, special offer or new product launch.

Last but not least, at the end of your writing ads, do not forget to check your work out using  Adwords preview tools.

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